Exploring the Benefits of Short Term Care Insurance

Exploring the Benefits of Short Term Care Insurance

Discover the peace of mind Short Term Care Insurance can offer your customers.

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Navigating the complexities of healthcare coverage, especially as one ages, can be daunting.  One area that often leads to confusion is understanding what Medicare will cover.  Many adults find themselves unsure about their financial preparedness to handle health care expenses as they grow older. 

Cigna Healthcare has a solution that could help provide peace of mind and financial security: Choice Short Term Care (STC).

STC is a valuable option, currently available in 18 states and growing, offering three different benefit options for coverage for both home healthcare and facility care.  What sets Cigna Healthcare’s STC product apart from other companies is that facility care and home healthcare are funded separately within the one, single policy. Meaning, one won’t impact the other.  Additionally, benefits reset once per policy lifetime providing flexibility and ensuring continued coverage when needed most.

One of the most appealing aspects of STC is the 15% premium discount available when both spouses purchase and are issued policies.  This discount not only makes coverage more affordable but also reinforces the importance of planning for care needs together, as a couple. With STC coverage, couples can rest assured that they have a reasonable safety net in place, allowing them to focus on enjoying their golden years without the worry of financial strain.

To learn more about Cigna Healthcare’s STC product, including impactful stats that will aid you in your sales pitch, please review our Choice Short Term Care broker sell sheet, and visit the CignaforBrokers portal for supporting documents to share with your customers.